Monday, December 1, 2008

Today It's Official, It's A Recession

While this Sierra Nevada 12th Release Harvest Wet Hop Ale is dreamy and delicious, spicy, sweet love on a cold and foggy night:

Wet Hop Ale

The Super L has 30 packs of Red Pills on sale:

Red Pills

Anyways, I'm out of the Sierra, but come over for a beer, bring an appetizer, it's your turn.

Oh man, Dude on the Newshour just said "analyticlarity". That was awesome. That should be the name of your blog.

1 comment:

Old Nevermore said...

$17 for a 30 cube? Jesus, between that and the return of cheap gas, we're livin in some kinda deal-laden Valhalla.

What recession?

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The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
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