Thursday, June 18, 2009

Everybody's Coming Round My Place

All kinds of people love baseball. All the different peoples. Different Origins. Many different reasons.

Frank Chu comes around.

Kilfeather ruled the 12 Galaxies for it's existence. That's how I met Frank. In the 12 Galaxies. I'd see him around everywhere and always say "Oh, there you are." He'd say "Hi." Sat and talked with him, listening to his rant.

And then he followed Kilfy over to the Chophouse. He'll get his Bud with a glass of ice and a burger. Most days I'll throw him a ticket. We get the extras across the bar.

Somedays he'll just stop by and ask me if I have one. Very polite.

Last week I said "Hey Frank I want a sign." He said "OK."

A Gift From Frank
Thanks Frank.

1 comment:

Jonny Hamachi said...

Came in tonight for his icy bud and burger. Didn't have a ticket for him.

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