Sunday, January 25, 2009

What's Up Change?

President Obama delivers Your Weekly Address

In his first weekly address since being sworn in as the 44th president of the United States, President Barack Obama discusses how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan will jump-start the economy.

"This is not just a short-term program to boost employment," he said. "It’s one that will invest in our most important priorities like energy and education; health care and a new infrastructure that are necessary to keep us strong and competitive in the 21st century."

The Administration is still working with Congress to refine the plan, but in the address, President Obama lays out the key priorities. He goes into detail, noting that the plan will update our electric grid by laying more than 3,000 miles of transmission lines; weatherize 2.5 million homes; protect health insurance for more than 8 million Americans in danger of losing their coverage; secure 90 major ports; renovate 10,000 schools; and triple the number of science fellowships

1 comment:

reverend dick said...

I am that mysterious figure who reeks of wealth.

I was an amorphous watery collection of cells.

I rode.

I think Meester Obama might serve us well by focusing some on rebuilding the rail system in this country.

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The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
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