Monday, January 5, 2009

There's Always Dancing

Whenever we get the families together up in the PDX I can't decide if it's for too long or too short. To quote the Light, "We cram 6 months of partying into 3 or 4 days." This past Days trip was much the same. One Saturday night last December my Sis and Ma threw one of their shin dings. Sometimes it's a Ping Pong tourny with random teams drawn from a hat and a Golden Paddle trophy that goes on all hot summer night. Sometimes it's a NYE blowout with some hostess in bed by 11:30. This time it was just holiDays greatness.

All the usual suspects showed up, and even some of the unusual suspects, and of course ALL the Usual Unusual Suspects. Except for the Elves. There were a lot of people there throughout the night.

My Mother has a wonderful habit of meeting people in the most random places and inviting them over for the party. We have met and come to enjoy some great people this way. This year was no different, she met some delightful and interesting characters while in a lay over in Chicago on her trip out, and invited them over. She's a bit Warholian in how she collects friends. "Oh, your interesting, come hang out at this thing over here, there will be dancing."

PDX Party

PDX Party 2

PDX Party 3

PDX Party 4

There's always dancing. We had a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we had a wonderful time tooooo... good times great family... and friends xxxl&m

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The Hidden Fortress, Zombie Free Since 1998
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